A Day in the Isekai Club

“So then people who were freed from control of their lord started their own town government?” A girl in curly locks in a school uniform exclaimed. “Then they suffered from higher taxes than before? Ohohoho!” She held her hand beside her mouth and laughed. “I thought you were merely a naive, idealistic writer. But you do have the guts to write some juicy inconvenient realism! I applaud you Selestia!” The girl across from her crossed her arms with a frown, looking away.

There were five students sitting around a table in a small room. A few cabinets with posters on the doors filled with colourful illustrated characters and extremely long titles distributed throughout the room. Also a small windowed fridge filled with cool beverages in cans.

“While I am grateful for your words, I cannot help but feel you are still mocking me.” Selestia pouted. “But now I am stuck on how to continue from here. Any ideas on how to progress this story?”

“They should look to faith for a way forward and guidance.” Honoka put her hands in prayer. Sitting at the table her eyes were closed in momentary mediation. “Build a temple and uplift the people!”

“Stop trying to insert your story into my story Honoka!” Celestia shouted. “This… story… is really important to me.” Honoka’s eyes opened and startled.

“I am trying to help.” Honoka said despondent. “Sometimes having something to believe can give people strength and power.”

“While true, Honoka, for a space-themed story with no aliens nor cosmic horrors, religious themes may not be as popular.” A teenager put his hands palms up. “If there were some void abominations then audiences would be more receptive. Usually human-only space stories tend to shy away from religion as a topic… unless it’s like a critique on society or something.”

“Yuya…” Honoka spoke dejectedly.

“Let’s not forget I enjoy your eastern style monotheistic world.” Yuya smiled. “It’s unique compared to the stories I’ve read. But if you keep encouraging everyone else to adopt it, it wouldn’t be unique anymore. Also your magical action scenes are pretty cool.”

“That is true… yes. Thank you Yuya!” Honoka’s lips smiled yet eyebrows troubled.

“Back to Selestia’s story.” Yuya stroked his chin. “Hmm… how to continue? Common tale of Nobility or Royality doing a slow transition won’t work. I know!” Yuya snapped his finger smoothly into pointing at Selestia. “You need a heroic or sagely character to lead the people. No need to be actually sagely or hero-king-like. Just the appearance! They should prioritize education for the masses and maybe slowly transition into a democracy over generations. Cliche and idealistic… but should be compatible for Selestia’s style.”

“Thank you Yuya!” Seleatia shouted with glee. “This really helps me out a lot.”

“Anything to help your Isekai writing journey!” Yuya smiled. Selestia looked at Yuya for a second. Then she smiled.

“That’s right!” Selestia nodded. Yuya looked around and saw a brown short haired girl with her head on the table.

“Rihoko…” Yuya spoke with concern. “... are you doing alright?” One of her hands raised up and waved off in Yuya’s direction.

“Ah… it’s not a big deal.” Rihoko spoke a grumpy lower voice. “My story is also kinda stuck. Cash flow in the… protag’s company… is kinda low. Between the lack of goods, people not having money to buy stuff… even the low tax of 60% doesn’t help.”

“That’s quite the low tax.” Curly locks tossed in the air while a fan opened up in front of herself. “Why, the peasants should be grateful for such a kind tax.” Selestia and Yuya’s eyes’ widened. Silence filled the room.

“Ahh… you play the part of villainess well Miu!” Yuya laughed as he recovered from the shock. “That’s something you only do if you are deliberately trying to suppress the populace at the cost of money.” Miu paused with a stalled expression of laughter.

“Ohohoho… that’s right. You have to have that much money to do that.” Miu’s voice shook a little bit as she hid her mouth behind her fan. “Though I do forget the percentage to maximize tax revenue. What was it again?”

“Simplified for the wider audience, 6%-18% depending on what services the government provides. Country ideology and various details notwithstanding… blah blah blah…” Yuya shrugged. Selestia, Miu, and Rihoko stopped and looked at Yuya. “What? That is the taxes we got here.” A moment of silence. Honoka looks around confused.

“I’m feeling a little lost.” Honoka spoke up. “Can someone explain why everyone is looking kinda funny?”

“Well sometimes you need to decrease taxes to get more taxes.” Yuya laughed. “It sounds weird but here is what happens.” He took a deep breath. Then let the air out of his lungs. “So… if taxes are lower, then people buy more. This means more taxes.” Yuya shrugged. “While usually you should try to get the correct ratios, those amounts should generate a lot more actual revenue than 50%. Your main concern would be trying to make sure inflation stays at a healthy rate.” Everyone else except Honoka nodded.

“Wow… never thought about that.” Selestia broke the silence. “I’ll make sure to take note of that.”

“Not sure about that Yuya. I…” Rihoko put her hand to her chin. “... probably have to think about that for a bit. My protag isn’t part of the nobility nor royalty.”

“Hmm… interesting.” Yuya grinned. “I commonly see the main character already have that power and just straight up implement it. Usually the obstacle is the fallout from other nobles accusing you of “stealing” the people away with low taxes. Now you don’t even have the power to set the taxes.” Yuya took out a pen and started to twirl it in thought. “Hmm… this idea could work if the situation is right.”

“What situation would that be?” Rihoko tilted her head.

“Having a friend who is a fresh new noble with useless lands might work.” Yuya did his signature fingersnap. The twirling pen now flopped to the table. “Oops! Oh well. If it’s new and kinda like not useful lands by their society’s values our new friend noble might be given an excuse to have to absurdly lower taxes. New noble friend might be set up for failure anyways. Other nobles won’t think they are a threat till it’s too late.”

“Ah… but if you had a noble friend they could just give you a special exception on the tax right? Ohoho!” Miu folded up her fan with a flick of her wrist and a crisp sound.

“That can work too! Good thinking Miu!” Yuya replied with glee. “Much easier to pull off. Throw in a plot to save a noble’s family member or something and you can ask for that! Not as overpowered as the original plan but far less situational.”

“No one can beat me when it comes to writing about Nobles!” Miu opened her fan again. DING-DONG! The school-bell rang.

“Well that’s the bell! I declare this club meeting to be over! Enjoy your writing! See you tomorrow everyone!” Yuya got up followed by the rest of the members. They started to pack up and leave the room. Selestia walked up to Yuya.

“Alright Yuya.” Selestia spoke brightly. “You ready to show me that space game at the net cafe?”