Unreal 5?! + New Website Launch... Again

And so... here we go again! Launching another website... and we're making 3d games now?

That's right. For the longest time we've held the skills for 3D game production at a faster pace than producing 2D games. Studied game design theories adapted for 3D games. Studied netcode theories for FPS and RTS games. Yet... we focused on making 2D-based games.

While I love 2D Visual Novels, making 3D games seems to be far inside my own skillset. Or rather a lower hanging fruit in terms of indie game production.

Also why jump to Unreal Engine and not Unity? At first it was because I knew at least the basics of an older C++ version. Then I realized I could get away with just using blueprints for most things except for multi-threading. I could do multi-threading but there isn't a powerful use for it until I get into crazy simulation stuff.

I also want to explore more concepts such as Standalone-DLC games. Where like every game would be an expansion of another game. In a kind of web. Imagine you got a 3rd person shooter game. Then you have an action RPG game you're playing. Everything looks grim in the RPG. Then the character you built in the 3rd person shooter comes in and saves the day.

Look forward to more info later.