What's with the new webnovel and life article direction? It's to get more content to you all while we make the games.
Yes, this is content marketing. But what I didn't realize I did that by mistake a long ago... and it felt right... somehow. And was fun... and sometimes theraputic! My writing soul gets nutured. And my webdev spirit gets therapy because I get to design it how I want!
And for the first fiction series (that may be made into a game eventually) it's an Isekai Club. Why? Because Isekai stuff is my guilty pleasure. Especially some of the RPGLit ones.
As a game dev who enjoys game/RPGLit... it is extremely tempting to go make an RPG out of an RPGLite. Probably would be more of a parody if anything. Hahaha!
Also the life articles are also a venue to dump out my brain filled with life advice. And also to merge it with a game developer's point of view. Surprisingly one dating-sim mechanic is remakably similar to real life.
So sit back... enjoy the content on the site!